After the 60's time of total revolution-- serious hippie, political, sexual, spiritual revolution, working hard to push boundaries and the status quo and create SERIOUS CHANGE. After this heavy time of war and more war fighting against having the wars, the 70's emerged-- the time to boogie! We often dismiss this time period and I know the younger generations look at it with disdain, we don't honor or respect that time at all! We all know the classic tunes, the typical dance moves from Saturday night fever with John Travolta, and we all loved rocking those bell bottoms. But it's usually regarded as a silly, ridiculous period that no one wants to ever talk about again. Why do we pass over this incredible time and message of wild expression and fun?
What if sex and sexual energy was never deemed anything different or separate from any other regular part of your body and your life? What if it was never thought of as bad, shameful, ugly, disturbing, inappropriate, wrong, dirty, seedy, slutty, degrading, disrespectful, angry, violent or shady? What if it was so normalized to just feel every part of our body equally? What if it was acceptable, dare I say it, to even love our entire body? What if we were all on board with feeling pleasure and excitement? What if the pleasure of enjoying our own bodies was considered to be beautiful, normal and it was encouraged, instead of being some dark devilish 'mistake' that needs to be expelled from our lives? What if the religious could see the fallacy in believing in an all-knowing and all-powerful God that would create bodies providing immense sexual pleasure, only to supposedly condemn, deny and shame it? What if we honored ourselves and the gift of feeling good in our own bodies?
For me, food was a major source of addictive behavior. You don't crave the food itself, but the pleasure you get from disconnecting from your life experience at the moment. Same goes with any addiction. It's never the thing itself, but how you relate to it, your dependency on it. Food was my comfort and escape. When there are feelings I don’t want to feel and things I want to avoid doing. Food was my go-to distraction to avoid the things I'm afraid of. I think mannnny of us can relate to this one. But food used to be so sweet and did it become our enemy??
In the midst of a period where I felt I lost myself--leaving behind mediation, leaving behind my values and belief systems, things that I knew to be true about who I really am--I forgot that I also abandoned my connection to my sexual energy and my body. When I started to reconnect to my body and my sexual energy, things started to make sense again.
I notice my hesitation around putting anything 'out there'- words, pictures, videos, even creating any kind of job or career that says 'Here I am, world, this is who I am and what I do.' I'm afraid it will pigeon hole me and force me to uphold that image. I lose my freedom in growth and change because now the world sees me as 'this person' and I don’t want to feel guilty or weird about changing it when/if I decide to do something else. I'd rather wait until my 'true final calling' appears and then I can present myself as being and representing 'that.'
I LOVE saying 'Fuck it!' to my pretend other self in my head when it's telling me not to do something..and I do it anyway. Take that other voice in my head! God it feels good! It's like the teenager speeding off on a motorbike from the screaming parent telling him to get into the house. FREEEEEDOMMMM! You can't tell me what to do!...even if it is just me I'm having this debate with.
The breath is really everything. It is our life force and we are every second choosing how, where and how much of this life force we want to enter into our being. It's so simple to clear blockages, all we need to do is consciously allow breath to enter those parts. Where we unconsciously hold back our breath is where we are tightening, where we don't want to feel. At some point in our lives, we felt it was a spot that was unsafe and we held back our breath and tightened. Over time there developed tension in that spot as we continued (unconsciously) tightening and restricting breath flow to the area, still unconsciously believing it wasn't safe to relax. We've basically decided to remove that part of our being from our experience. The problem is it is never removed, it never can be.
I don't believe in the word lazy. There is no lazy person, just a lack of inspiration! There is just a blockage in the line of energy flow. This happens because of a sadness that can weigh you down, a fear that immobilizes you from doing what you want, or just a lack of inspiration. Emotional traumas, or just any avoidance of our emotions, create blocks in your energy flow and when undealt with, eventually lead to a heaviness that turns into depression and/or disease in the body. Poor diet and general negligence of our body's wellbeing will create this heaviness and fatigue as well.
When you wake up in the morning, what exactly is waking up? The mind was highly awake during the dream cycles, but now the body is waking up from its state of paralysis. So the body is waking and the mind is waking up to the body experience, welcoming the body back into its awareness. All night the body is laying down and the mind takes over, creating a new reality that is entirely functioning from pure imagination. This is why the dream world is so fascinating, magical and wacky. It's a free-for-all imagination playground that does not have to adhere to the logic and rules that exist in the material realm with the body, time and space.
With the TV all the programs have been chosen for me, I have no participation in this process at all, only to choose a program from the limited options in the beginning, and then lay back and submit to mindless entertainment. It's a completely passive activity that allows you to numb out of life. The program options are usually of that nature, a lower vibration numbing entertainment that leaves me feeling out of my mind and out of my power. It's a great distraction for a once in a while thing, but it can quickly turn into an addictive pattern because it feels good to numb out your mind, feelings and emotions, which at times can be quite exhausting and painful. And giving up your power means giving up your responsibility which can feel freeing to remove the weight of the mind that contemplates what you need to do in your life, and then judges whether or not you're doing it right or good enough. It kills your creativity, inspiration and passion though as your sense of self and active participation in life are taken away.
MICHAELA CLARA I'm here to share what I've learned through my journey of self exploration-traveling around the outer world and within the inner world-learning about how to live a healthy, fulfilling life from Truth, in alignment with the body, heart and soul. Every day I'm discovering how to live more in health, connection and Truth. Through joy, passion & self love, and sharing this love with others. Join me for the ride! Read More |