There's a level of observation that educates, informs, teaches and inspires. And then there's a point where it just becomes an overindulgence in passive consumption. It becomes an excuse to be spared of others' observations and judgments. An excuse to not participate fully in life. Cause when you hold back, no one can knock you down.
With the TV all the programs have been chosen for me, I have no participation in this process at all, only to choose a program from the limited options in the beginning, and then lay back and submit to mindless entertainment. It's a completely passive activity that allows you to numb out of life. The program options are usually of that nature, a lower vibration numbing entertainment that leaves me feeling out of my mind and out of my power. It's a great distraction for a once in a while thing, but it can quickly turn into an addictive pattern because it feels good to numb out your mind, feelings and emotions, which at times can be quite exhausting and painful. And giving up your power means giving up your responsibility which can feel freeing to remove the weight of the mind that contemplates what you need to do in your life, and then judges whether or not you're doing it right or good enough. It kills your creativity, inspiration and passion though as your sense of self and active participation in life are taken away.
The worst addictions, the most powerful ones, are addictions to things we think will take away the pain of being alone. So the real addiction is to the feeling of being safe. We fluctuate between the things we think give us this temporary feeling of safety. Drugs, food, people, behaviors…anything can be a source of an addiction, anything can make us feel happy and relieved from our worrying mind for a moment, or longer. But eventually it will always wear off and then we need another fix. And we need the fix fast. Because as soon as it wears off, our mind goes into panic mode, now that we are faced with the very worries we wanted to avoid. Faced with our fears of being alone.
Currently the majority of people believe that drastic dramatic change does not really happen. Things take time and long processes to mature, grow and finally make a significant change. This is a belief that exists in our human psyche, so of course, our reality will follow suit.
I can feel a time will come when this belief is tested and something happens to force a dramatic shift and change in the way we live as humans, and this belief that things take slow time to change will be obliterated. At that point we will finally be free to use our great expansive infinite potential as human beings to collectively create whatever reality we want. It is truly just our beliefs that limit us. Releasing pain is about bringing an expanded awareness beyond just that localized area, and simply opening. It is about noticing the subtlest ways that we are still holding on to the pain. We are actually the ones that create the pain and tension by remaining tight, fighting and resisting against the core of the pain which is actually, nothing. It began as an energy that we fought to resist against, and then we continue feeding it energy through the resistance, which builds the pain into a bigger and bigger reality.
Why do we all crave deep fried food for comfort? Or something sweet? Or bready? It occurred to me it’s the same reason why anything became anything! In the very beginning, when we first started developing our relationship with food, our minds associated each food with whatever emotional state we had at the time. Because it was undoubtedly a very strong mood and energy boost in the very early days when we had never even tasted food before, the first bites would have been INCREDIBLY pleasurable and produced major serotonin release, total ecstasy. And as it was the first few interactions with food, I'd imagine these humans were in a dire state of hunger and fear that they may not find something to keep them alive, so the immense contrast coming from a very dangerous, fearful emotional state going to total bliss and sweet joy, would then leave quite an imprint on the brain. This food = my salvation. This food = total happiness. And we wonder why our attachment to food is so strong.
MICHAELA CLARA I'm here to share what I've learned through my journey of self exploration-traveling around the outer world and within the inner world-learning about how to live a healthy life, in alignment with the body, heart and soul. Every day I'm discovering how to live more in health, connection and truth. Through joy, passion & self love, creating the life I want, and sharing this love with others. Join me for the ride! Read More |